So last weekend I got to go to experience something in a way I never really experienced before — coffee. I went to the SW Regionals Barista Competition in Hollywood to represent my family's farm and tried my hand at being a working reporter.
Row, a barista from HI, wow-ing the crowd for finals
It was a great turnout. Lots of espressos and hand-crafted cappuccino creations, and then food-trucks (a crepe food-truck no less, hello!)
If anyone gets the chance, I highly recommend going. It's free, there's free coffee, goodie bags, and a great vibe (not like the weird coffee-shop vibes some places have) —this contest has class.
Pete Licata, SW Regionals champ!
Luckily for me, the only two competitors from Hawaii (and who were both using beans from my fam's farm) made it to finals. And then one of them won! No biggie. Hopefully, my sister and I are going to the finals in April/May.
Needless to say, I was so inspired by these coffee critics and their knack for liquid art that I decided to...wait for it...finish that little bike. (No relation, but abrupt transitions are necessary sometimes).
So here it is
I've put too much time into these pieces of bound paper, I almost want to name each of them...