
Nicaragua. Parte 2

This place is immaculate. Villa Esperanza is definitely the nicest placed I've ever stayed at for a missions trip. The Dump has been a different story. 
Yesterday, we worked at the school. The kids...so cute! There's a little girl named Darling, ugh, I want to keep her forever. We also helped the school set up for Mother's Day and they had a little celebration for all the mamas, which was, however...interesting. I can't express what we saw, but it has definitely been a fist to the face in many ways. 
Americanism and Christianity aside, this place is a feeding frenzy for perverted people to take advantage of innocence. 
We went back to the dump today to "tour" the houses, pray over families and help with a feeding station for kids. After, we cleaned at the church, El Faro.
Here are some photos Mason Shroeder took of yesterday and today.

Tomorrow we are cleaning around the Villa and helping the girls prepare for their Mother's Day celebration.
Please keep the girls at the Villa in your prayers over the next few days.


Nicaragua. Parte 1

After a whirlwind of traveling, we arrived in Managua, Nicaragua. I left at 2 a.m from LAX with three of my good buddies: Dana, Hiroshi, and Brett. One Nyquil and 6 hours later, we landed in Panama City. 
Fun fact: Copa Airlines charges less to check board bags than most airlines, so if you're looking for a surfing safari in Central and Southern America, look no more.
We are staying at Villa Esperanza (Village of Hope). This place lives up to its name, it's absolutely beautiful in every way. The people, the smells, the sounds (at night, the sounds of frogs takes over. They sound like a lot like the gun noises from Nintendo Duck Hunt game). 
Today, we cleaned around the Villa and painted a room in one of the girls' casas. It thundered and rained for a few hours today, it was amazing. We joined the girls' youth group tonight as well and were able to meet all 24 of them.
Photos by Tracy

Morning devotion the staff of Villa Esperanza

Sweeping the driveway to the Villa
Youth group. It was pouring down rain so we had to move closer to hear Alex
 Tomorrow and Thursday we will be in La Cureca (the dump), helping out the school prepare for their Mother's Day Celebration (it's this Sunday down here). 

Favorite moment so far: playing soccer with the girls.

[more photos to come]


here and there

I left Lake Powell yesterday. It was...how you say...different. My family usually goes in the dead of summer when it feels like the air is sucking the life right out of you and the only escape is the 80+ degree water. But this year, the lake water was in the mere 60s (no thanks). 
We had some minor casualties (three citations for fishing without a license, one case of food poisoning, and one damaged foot), but a lot of good fishing and fam time in spite of it all.


Now, with six hours before I depart for Managua, Nicaragua, I am beginning to feel that little sense of in-limbo. We'll see how long it lasts.


Update: Road Trippin'

In my other post about driving across the states, I began listening to this song over and over as the theme for the month of June. Well, at first there were three. Now, there are two. 

It's sad, but we have to make the best of it. I knew if one dropped, it would be easier for one or the other to fall away too, so I'm really happy to say that I have a one-way place ticket from the East Coast and both Lindsey and I bought our tickets to Bonnaroo!!

Our plan right now is to leave on June 3rd or 4th, and take the southern route before cutting into Tennessee. It should look something like this (which will probably change multiple times)

It gets better. I'm riding and driving with my roommate who drove on the freeway for the first time this week! This should be interesting. If you know anyone around these places, let us know, we would love to hang out with them!


post-grad butterflies

Dana, Me, Megan, Alex, and Johnny.
I did it! After 17 years of school, I am done. I never have to go back to school unless I want to. Strange feeling. It was cool being with friends and family, though.

So what now? I've packed half of my belongings and they are now in my boyfriend's garage in Arizona I will be moving into my own place in the Phoenix area come mid-August.  
I drove to San Diego late last night to hang out with my old roommate and will probably come up with a number of random errands to run before this weekend, where I will then drive to this

Lake Powell

And then...I'm off to Nicaragua!!!!!


travel me tuesday: Osaka Aquarium

My friend, Tyler, said this place was the highlight of his Japan trip last summer. I will be flying there in a month and a half, so I figured I may as well familiarize myself and yourself with it.
 A tank for a whale shark...?!?!?!
And if you're the video type, or a Sigur Ros fan, than you'll appreciate this.

Isn't it amazing?!