
Nicaragua. Parte 1

After a whirlwind of traveling, we arrived in Managua, Nicaragua. I left at 2 a.m from LAX with three of my good buddies: Dana, Hiroshi, and Brett. One Nyquil and 6 hours later, we landed in Panama City. 
Fun fact: Copa Airlines charges less to check board bags than most airlines, so if you're looking for a surfing safari in Central and Southern America, look no more.
We are staying at Villa Esperanza (Village of Hope). This place lives up to its name, it's absolutely beautiful in every way. The people, the smells, the sounds (at night, the sounds of frogs takes over. They sound like a lot like the gun noises from Nintendo Duck Hunt game). 
Today, we cleaned around the Villa and painted a room in one of the girls' casas. It thundered and rained for a few hours today, it was amazing. We joined the girls' youth group tonight as well and were able to meet all 24 of them.
Photos by Tracy

Morning devotion the staff of Villa Esperanza

Sweeping the driveway to the Villa
Youth group. It was pouring down rain so we had to move closer to hear Alex
 Tomorrow and Thursday we will be in La Cureca (the dump), helping out the school prepare for their Mother's Day Celebration (it's this Sunday down here). 

Favorite moment so far: playing soccer with the girls.

[more photos to come]


  1. This is beautiful! I can't wait to hear stories!!! Love you

  2. cool kirstina! sounds like so much fun already! prayers and love xoxoxox

  3. so this means you have internet access, very cool. rock on "little one!"
